Step 1: Sign Up
Deadline: October 17, 2024
This deadline will be strictly enforced. Due to orders needing to be placed and shipping being unpredictable, we must have a deadline for accepting graduates. Please sign up at the link Below.
Step 2:
Order Cord(s),
Cap, & Gown
Deadline: January 15, 2025
Ordering your cap, gown, and chords directly will eliminate meeting times as it will be delivered to your door. You may order your cords based upon your graduates accomplishments. Remember to include specifics in your senior summary as to which cords, they will be wearing. Please see attached instructions below to order your graduating Senior’s gown, cap, tassel.
Once you have completed that, honor cords can be found on the same site. Note: We have been told that some organizations (i.e. 4H) give cords out so it might be worth asking your student’s organization sponsor.
Eta Sigma Alpha/Kappa Pi Only: This is the National Honor Society for homeschool students. Students must have a composite score of 26 on the ACT or accepted equivalent test and are active members of CHENM’s Kappa Pi Chapter.
Note: There may also be former members in CHENM willing to loan their shawl for the ceremony.
Deadline: January 15, 2025
Diplomas will not come to your home. The graduation committee will order them personalized for your student and have them available at graduation. Parents will be able to add their signatures to the diploma after the ceremony.
Step 3:
Order Diploma
Step 4: Submit
Senior Summary
Deadline: March 15, 2025
This brief summary telling about the senior’s intrests, involvements, and future plans must be emailed to by the deadline above. This summary will be printed in the graduation programs.
Step 5:
Submit Photos for Slideshow
Deadline: March 15, 2025
You are invited to send in 4-5 appropriate photos for the Senior Video at Graduation. Photos will only be accepted at Any issues or questions will be answered via email only. Photos must be received by the above deadline with the name of your senior, total number of photos, and a contact number in the subject.
[Example: Subject: Sally Smith, 4 total photos, 662-123-4567]
Step 6:
Submit ACT Scores
Deadline: April 1, 2025
The two highest scores will give our valedictory and salutatory speech on the night of graduation. A screenshot of your student’s ACT scores from their ACT dashboard must be submitted by the above deadline for Valedictorian and Salutatorian to with the Subject: Student Name - ACT Scores.
[Example: Subject: Sally Smith - ACT Score]
Deadline: April 24, 2025 (Night of RehEArsal)
Each graduate will have the opportunity to showcase who they are, their interests, and their accomplishments to family, friends and community.
A tri-fold, free standing board is recommended as it will have to rest on a table.
In selecting items to display, please remember we are first and foremost a Christian organization and the board reserves the responsibility of denying items or displays that do not conform to CHENM Values and Beliefs.
The size of each table will be determined based on availability. Generally, two graduates will share a 6-8 foot table.
Please plan to break down the displays promptly after graduation.
You will be responsible for all of your items.
Step 7:
Prepare Senior
April 24, 2025 6:00Pm (Senior Display Set-up at 4PM)
West Jackson Street Baptist Church, Tupelo, MS
It is important that we have all of our graduates available this night so we can rehearse and run through the order of events for the next day.
This is also the night parents and graduates will set up their Senior Displays.
April 25, 2024 7:00 PM
West Jackson Street Baptist Church, Tupelo, MS
Attire: Sunday dress
Drawing On/Decorating Caps: This has typically been allowed so long as the decorations are not seen in the class photo.
Seating arrangements: Each family will have a single reserved row. These will be assigned alphabetically and may not be long enough to seat the entire family. Please encourage family members to arrive early to secure their seating. Family members and friends beyond what will fit in the reserved row are welcome but will have to sit in another area beyond the reserved seating.
Senior Processional, Presentation of Colors, Welcome and Opening Prayer, Special Music, Salutatory Address, Valedictory Address Guest Speaker, Presentation of Diplomas, Senior Recessional, Closing Remarks
Presentations: Parents will present the diplomas to their graduate as part of the ceremony. Typically, parents walk to the stage together. Graduates will present mom with a rose and dad may present the diploma. Hug and smile for the photo.
Throwing Caps: Graduates will throw caps at the end of the ceremony. Be sure to write name or initials in your student’s cap.
Following Graduation Ceremony
Cake and Punch will be provided for refreshment.
Friends and family are encouraged to view the Senior displays, make pictures with their graduates, and offer their congratulations to the students and parents of the graduating class.